Reading time: 4 minutes

There is a refreshment for the soul that comes from Heaven.

“Now therefore, repent of your sins and turn to God so that your sins may be blotted out. Then, from the presence of the Lord will come times of refreshment (…) ” Acts 3: 19-20

For refreshment times, you must first have repentance. Repentance is a change of attitude, to return to God.

“But, beloved, do not ignore this: that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord does not delay his promise, as some consider it to be late, but he is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3: 8-9

The Lord can lead the Church, He can snatch it; but he still leaves time in this generation so that no one gets lost, so that everyone has the possibility of hearing that times of refreshment are coming in the presence of the Lord.

More than ever the Church of the Lord is going to be raised on this Pentecost, in the power of the Holy Spirit, globally.

How is Pentecost expected today?

  1. With the expectation of seeing and living what Jesus promised for us. Waiting expectantly, according to Acts 1:14 means persevering unanimously in prayer and supplication. "Everyone got together and were constantly united in prayer." Acts 1:14

  2. They had to wait in the right place. "And being together, he commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, you heard from me." Acts 1: 4

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit does not come in the place of disobedience, it comes where there is an attitude of obedience. He descends as a consequence of a decision to obey the Lord.

  1. What precedes a move of the Holy Spirit, is that search time; that time of "dissatisfaction"; wanting more from the Lord.
  2. Waiting is the key in the preparation time, anticipating the heart in prayer; Bible reading and crying out to the Lord for his outpouring at every devotional time. "Always have a boat."

When a person receives Jesus in his heart and understands that in him is the refreshment of the soul, and then knows the way to a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit, then there comes a time of renewal; a time of outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

  1. The keys to waiting for the power of God and being clothed in the fire of Pentecost are:
    1. Know that God is going to do it. The fire will descend on the thirsty heart. There is no way anything gets in the way. It is something that the Lord promised.
    2. The years of drought and need cease, because the Lord does not delay his promises. "... go, show yourself to Ahab and I will make it rain on the face of the earth. ” 1 Kings 18: 1

That same power of the Holy Spirit will come upon all those who declare to the Lord their desire to walk from this day, in a way closer to His will.

"I choose to obey; I decide to walk behind your steps; I decide that you give me the strength to be able to be obedient to your words ”.

When we make those decisions, suddenly that fire comes from heaven; that power and authority.

We must not allow the Christian life to be extinguished; make it routine or religious.

The Lord does not want religiosity; wants passion.

Living the reality of being a witness of the church in this generation will be the moment when the Holy Spirit begins to descend.