Reading time: 4 minutes

The difference between Faith and guilt is that the latter seeks the cause, instead, the Faith seeks answers in Jesus Christ. When a person seeks victory, he stands up and seeks answers.

A blind man from Jericho receives his sight. Luke 18: 35-43 NIV

Just as the blind man cried out for the name of Jesus, with the conviction that Jesus would change his present and future, so today God today stops to listen to your cry and says to you: "What do you want me to do for you?"

How to overcome rejection?

1 - Be at peace with God, the number one priority in your life. Jesus wants to listen to you, He is interested in spending time with you, and that you delight in His presence. 2- Be certain that God has a plan. He has prepared a design for you. It doesn't matter what others say, but what God declared about your life from the beginning. 3- Remember that the goodness of God is new every morning. The Breath of God is going to do something new in your life. Jesus wants you to experience what you have never received. 4- Live in constant communion with the Holy Spirit. Now is the time we have to approach God and obey His word. God's word is a seed and needs a receptive heart,

who receives it with joy and keeps it in his heart.

What attitude are we having today in our situations? It is time to put aside the postponement of what God wants to do with you. The time is now.

“Jesus said to him: Receive it, your faith has saved you. And then he saw, and followed him, glorifying God; and all the people, when they saw that, gave praise to God. " Luke 18: 42-43.

Unstoppable faith is one that is focused on Jesus. That faith will lead us to a spiritual experience that we had not had before and that today, both the fire and the power of the Holy Spirit want to manifest in our lives.

Faith that does not stop is one that breaks down the obstacles that the world interposes between our cry and the power from above. Bartimaeus cried much louder although he was reprimanded for his actions.

The crowd wanted to shut him up, but Jesus wanted to hear him.

The crowd wanted to continue walking, as it happens today, in the middle of a world accelerated by the circumstances we face, but although the world advances, Jesus stops to listen to every need.

Jesus would never go through Jericho again and Bartimaeus took advantage of that opportunity.

That opportunity is within our grasp today. We should only bring our hearts closer to God.

That particular moment marks Jesus' interest in the ministry and in his life. The historical context of this event shows us that that week the Lord was on his way to Jerusalem and it was the last time that he was going to pass there, because then he would be arrested and would fulfill the purpose of giving us the possibility of finding, (each one of us) the forgiveness of our sins, being washed by the Blood of the New Covenant and starting a new relationship with God.

On that last time, there was one person who took advantage of that opportunity. Today we also have an opportunity to access a time of grace; a time of visitation, giving the Lord the place to present us a message of forgiveness and a glorious future, breaking chains, breaking a past of defeats and a future taken by the hand of the Lord.