"The prayer that pleases God" - Dr. Claudio Freidzon

Reading time: 4 minutes

Today from where you are, God can transform your life. He wants to manifest if you look for it with all your heart. That is why, it is necessary to make certain decisions that will lead you to meet his presence.  

Your decision today builds your future

God is the same who baptized the church at its beginning, on the day of Pentecost. That is why, today you want to activate your faith so that you can live fully and thus infect your family and friends. If on your side there is “filling us with your fire” to carry out your work, on our side then, there is making good decisions at the right time. As the Lord declares in his Word, "his thoughts are good", therefore, He wants to work miracles and show us the best way for us. Can God restore a family, heal a heart, or help us live in holiness? Of course!

God can bring out of the bad, something very good; of the little, multiply it by a lot. The Lord can restore what had been destroyed; It can soften hearts and heal wounds. But on our side, we need to make the right decisions.

There is no use making a good decision when it is too late. That is why today the Word of God touches our hearts so that we can pay attention to what the Lord wants to guide us to understand and thus act wisely. Therefore, let's see what are the decisions that we must make at this time:

  • Pray to align ourselves with God. “Once, Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples approached him and said: -Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples. Jesus said: -They should pray as follows: Father, may your name always be sanctified. May your kingdom come soon. ”(Luke 11: 1-2).

The first decision we need to make at this time is to align ourselves with God. Is to have perseverance in knowing his will and being able to advance towards it. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, the first and most important thing was to declare us his children and submit to his kingdom. If the Master Himself needed to withdraw and connect with God, how much more we? It was there that he received instructions for his ministry, for the nascent church and constant renewal.

This decision goes far beyond asking for power to see miracles, but first of all, knowing what God wants to do in each situation. It is to enter into a dialogue, where we align ourselves with his plan and listen to his heart.

  • Surround yourself of songs of adoration. "Well, you are my hiding place; you protect me from difficulties and surround me with songs of victory ”@ (Psalm 32: 7). Evidently David, the psalmist, was going through difficult times and decided to surround himself with adoration, where he found the true refuge.

More than ever we need to increase the volume of praise to God! Our worship must speak louder than complaint or fear. This will change the atmosphere of distress and bring freedom.

Is it possible to worship God in difficult times? What are the praises that change the environment in your home?

  • Have an intentional faith. It is having an active attitude, which moves away from comfort to intentionally approach the Lord. If we long to receive something from God, it is time to get up and go looking for it! This is the kind of faith that takes away the miracle.

“A woman in the crowd had suffered continuous bleeding for twelve years (…) She had heard of Jesus, so she approached him from behind in the crowd and touched her robe. For he thought: «If I only touched her robe, I will be healed» (…) And he said to her: «Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.(Mark 5: 24-34) This woman had suffered for many years. However, he made the decision to seek the Lord with intentional faith. He did not wait for the miracle saying: "If God wants ..." But he was persevering and sought him until he found him. This is the kind of faith that prepares us to experience change.

  • Fill the void fully. When we receive Christ in our life, from Him comes everything we need and in Him we are full. What distinguishes a full Christian? It is that after a genuine repentance, his life is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. A Christian is distinguished by fruits, by love, because he leads his life knowing that it is the temple of God. It is the decision to allow the Lord to help you resist temptation, to be restored, to seek peace. Being a Christian means that Christ lives in your heart.

Jesus said to his disciples: "Actually, it is better for you that I leave because, if I did not go, the Defense Attorney[to] would not come. Instead, if I leave, then I will send it to you; (John 16: 7)

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you; and just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies through the same Spirit, who lives in you. " (Romans 8:11)

"Do not expel me from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore in me the joy of your salvation and make me willing to obey you. " (Psalms 51: 11-12)


  • Say Amen to God's promises. In 2 Corinthians 1: 18-20 Paul teaches about God's faithfulness: “But, as God is faithful, our word to you is not Yes and No. Because the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who has been preached among you by us, by me, Silvano and Timothy, has not been Yes and No; but it has been Yes in him; for all the promises of God are in him Yes, and in him Amen, through us, for the glory of God ”.

God is faithful and keeps his promises. This is why we need to make the decision to believe the Lord. Although it may seem very difficult, He has the power to realize what He has promised you.

Therefore, it is time to align ourselves to God's will and seek His presence with a surrendered heart to please Him. More than ever, we need to surround ourselves with praise to “step on” every complaint or fear and activate our intentional faith to meet the miracles of our Heavenly Father. You can make the decision to fill the void with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and trust that God's promises are kept. Your life can be wonderful! It is time to make good decisions!